Blog – FocusU India

The FocusU Way Of Living - FocusU

Written by Admin | March 5, 2024

Two weeks ago, I received a call from one of my friends who, amongst other things, asked me how I am settling in my new job. I rambled for several minutes, talking about how I was welcomed to the team, the Hygge culture that we live by, the remarkable work, the extensive travel that comes with it and mostly the people. I told her how I would be meeting with team members from different locations (who I haven’t had a chance to meet so far) and how we shall be collaboratively working to conduct workshops. 

She posed a simple question to this. She said, “won’t it be awkward to work with people who you’ve never met before?” I was at a loss as to how to answer this, so I dodged the question as best as I could. Two weeks later, today, after meeting with several team members, for various workshops, from different locations, I finally had my answer. 

The answer is simple, and it lies in our inherent organizational values that are powerful, but more importantly, simple.  

Abbreviated as C.H.O.P.S, they stand for the four irreplaceable values that make our FocusU family stand out in the midst of any crowd.


As self-explanatory as the word is, care for us not just constitutes of showing love and consideration for other people but everything that touches our lives. From team members, extended work family in the form of vendors, associates, and the rest of the clan, to even resources – we ensure they are all treated with care and respect they deserve.

The next obvious question that follows is what CARE means to us, in terms of our clients and the answer is equally simple and beautiful. For us, the best way to show care for our clients is to ensure that every single workshop is a fun, engaging, educational. and wholesome experience. 

This can only be achieved if the brief given to us is met with a sense of understanding and commitment. Every workshop is customized as per our client’s individual needs. This approach allows us to execute activities that leave people with unforgettable memories and smiles that serve as the real testimonial of our years of efforts and hard work.

But, what really is beautiful to watch is how even when the proverbial cameras are off and the spotlight is no longer shining on our faces, these values don’t seem to come off like the sock and buskin of forced professional niceties.





Humility is not thinking less of yourself but thinking of yourself less”
– C.S Lewis

One of the most amazing and wholesome qualities that every single FocusU member, including the upper management, exhibits every second of each day, is a holistic sense of humility.  None of us will ever come across as vain about our position or skill set.

This helps us not only in maintaining a very holistic, comfortable, and encouraging environment within our office premises but also helps us elevate our own personalities by making us a better version of ourselves, with each passing day.

Such a down to earth behavior also helps us handle most situations with ease and handle even the toughest of clients with a smile. Humility also helps us handle our personal situations with an enhanced sense of grace and come up with better and easier solutions. 


A self-explanatory term that is at the core foundation of our organization, it essentially imbibes the practice of “Radical Candor.” A practice that is encouraged to help you “get what you want by saying what you mean” (- Kim Scott)

A practice that allows for both professional and personal growth of a person by allowing #feedforward to flow freely.  Working in such an environment means that you can be brutally honest with somebody, seeking help is not considered a sign of weakness and ideas and suggestions are encouraged.  Such a culture allows for tremendous psychological safety and facilitates collaboration and growth. When there is so much openness there is hardly any room for skepticism, judgment or mistrust. 


A self-explanatory quality, this signifies the fire burning within an individual with regards to everything in their life. At FocusU, we are not bound by a 9 to 5 structure, and yet, you will find each and every one of us committed to our professional goals with relentless rigor and an equal amount of glee.

At FocusU, passion comes first! Whether its chasing quarter professional goals or personal resolutions – we give it our all! 


Another self-explanatory value, this includes both physical and psychological safety of each and every person whose lives we touch in even the smallest way. From ensuring that our work family receives the best possible insulation against all possible physical damage to ensuring that our words and actions in no way hurt the sentiments of anyone, safety is our utmost priority and we refuse to compromise with it at any level.

Be it a workshop or regular days, safety never ceases to be of the utmost importance to us. With a work culture that encourages openness, it is easy to lose sight of each other’s feelings while giving #feedforward. However, “openness” done right translates into words that encourage and not demean, actions that empower and not discourage someone’s flight, and behavior that infuses hygge in every second of our lives.


Now that you have had a glimpse of our values, to further help you understand the importance of these values to our organization, and in turn for us, I’ll let you in on a secret – our very hiring process primarily focuses on two things – competencies for the position and the individual’s ability to C.H.O.P.S. 

Working in such an environment would mean that I can be brutally honest with somebody, seeking help is not considered a sign of weakness and ideas and suggestions are encouraged.  Such a culture allows for tremendous psychological safety and facilitates collaboration and growth. When there is so much openness there is hardly any room for skepticism, judgment or mistrust. 

Thus, with CHOPS at the core of our very behavior, there is never a moment of mistrust or doubt. Every single workshop is a chance for our entire team to come together to create magic. From pre-packing to the final execution – the entire journey is educational, fun, and remains unforgettable for everyone involved long after its execution.