Leadership Lessons From A Movie : Coach Carter

Inspirational, entertaining and gripping, Coach Carter  is the great movie of 2005.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our[...]

10 Perspective Shifts For Inner Peace

Whatever we think impacts our actions, indirectly. When you think of a chocolate pie when you are hungry, chances are high that your body will start moving in the direction of a bakery. When you[...]

Lessons From The Cook-Off Challenge

One of the biggest challenges facing leaders who head Senior Management Teams (SMT) is on how to make them more cohesive – and into a high performing one. This challenge is all the more accentuated[...]

7 Steps to a High Performing Team

A bunch of ordinary people, delivering an extraordinary performance is termed as a high performing team. Creating a high performing team though, seems like a mammoth task – perhaps because such teams[...]

2 Women. 2 Stories. 1 Everest

She was in her teens. She was poor. She had a tribal background and she became the youngest woman to climb Everest. I am talking about the girl who broke the glass ceiling and achieved the impossible[...]

Why Resilience Matters?

Frequently we get upset about our failures and allow them to affect our progress. Are we unfair to ourselves? Certainly, we are. What’s the most common thing we do? We dwell in our thoughts and[...]

Stories of Great Teams: Part 5: US Navy SEALs  

The US Navy SEALs, the Special Forces unit of the US Navy shot into prominence in the news with several high profile operations, the most recent of them being the killing of Osama Bin Laden in a[...]

A Tech major | Pre-workshop Gamified Experience


Pre-workshop engagement | A 14-day experience followed by a virtual team building activity


With the Pandemic still in full force, employees have been required to stay[...]

3 Great Indian “Jugaads” That Teach Us Invaluable Lessons on Innovation

Early in 2015, Oxford toted up the word “jugaad” in its latest edition of the Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. Probably because it wanted to mete out justice to the word while describing its unique[...]

21 Micro Habits To Improve Wellness

Wellness is a much sought-after goal in a world struck by the Pandemic. Yet, it sometimes seems too daunting for us to achieve. It does not have to be that way. You can work your way to health and[...]

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