Blog – FocusU India

Team Building in Riding - FocusU

Written by Admin | March 5, 2024

Riding is my passion. It has always been my dream to be a professional rider. By God’s grace, I have been very fortunate that I am living my dream. Recently I bought a sports bike. At most times, I used to ride alone. That was until I met my first riding group “ROAR” – Riders Of Assorted Rides. Since then I have been to many places with this bunch of enthusiastic riders. I did find it a bit awkward riding with them initially – however, after few rides I realised that riders project the best team spirit. Most of the times, we ride with unknown riders. However, the bonding, trust, and openness they demonstrate is something we don’t often find in a lot of corporate teams, even though they may have been working together for years.

Here are some learning’s, which I feel can be inculcated in such teams:

  1. Passion – Sharing a similar passion for riding is the main reason why riders ride as one team. Since they have the same passion they become one team within no time. It generates trust and bonding amongst them. However, corporate companies give more emphasis on having the same Goal in a team, rather than acknowledging the shared passion of work. Passion also helps in generating a mindset where people want to learn more, and they become more open in giving as well as accepting feedback. Which is a critical ingredient required to build a great team.
  1. Leadership – This might sound a bit strange. So, what does leadership have to do with riding bikes? Well, riders have their own way of selecting a leader. Somebody “new” is given the opportunity to lead every time and the rest trust and just follow. Even though the riders choose a leader, everybody’s role is to be a leader for himself and for his fellow rider. For example, Each rider is responsible for the safety of the rider behind. I found that to be a wonderful practice, and which corporates could follow; where everyone is responsible to be a leader. That helps in building a team that understands accountability within the team and generates immense trust in the team.
  1. Togetherness – We ride together. We do not race. All the riders understand the dangers of riding on highways in India. We know being together and aware of one another is the only guarantee for safety. So we understand the significance of knowing the strengths and weaknesses’ of our fellow riders. That helps us in bridging any gaps and keeping all of us together and safe. For example: Recently I had an accident while riding. I did not panic (at least that’s what I think). But I was in no doubt that my fellow riders would always look out for me. That’s exactly what happened. They came back for me in no time. We now share this blind trust because we understand the risks we are dealing with and we watch out for each other. It is extremely important that a team must know the strengths and weakness of each team member. That helps in allocating work, getting best individual outputs, understanding when one needs help etc.
  1. Openness and Discipline – These are the two qualities, which I truly appreciate in riders. We give lot of emphasis on openness because we know it’s a very important ingredient for safe riding. For example, if somebody is uncomfortable with the riding speed, too fast or too slow, or wants to rest for some time one shares it with everyone without any hesitation. Nobody feels shy to ask for help. Seeking help is usually considered a weakness in most Corporate teams. People struggle with their work but find it very difficult to ask for help. This affects the overall goal or target they are working towards.

Us riders also understand that discipline in riding is something we riders can’t afford to ignore. A small act of indiscipline has the potential to create serious problems for fellow riders. We never compromise with our riding rules. Similarly, successful companies are always known to drive discipline. Because our work impacts others, discipline in our work culture must always be given priority.

Riding has made me a better Team Player and Passion for riding has made me better human being.

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