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How to Make Induction Programs Meaningful? - FocusU

Written by Admin | January 16, 2019

I still remember my first day at my new job, at my dream company. I had a bag full of emotions. I was excited, nervous, curious, and little restless. Restless because I was not sure about the organization, its culture, and its people. Although I had heard a lot of good and inspiring stories from other employees, now after I had become a part of the company, these fears and apprehensions were natural. We have probably all had similar emotions on our first day at work. But to my surprise, the moment I entered the premises everything looked so planned and structured. My name was already in the system at the reception, so I faced no hassle in submitting my identity details. After all of the initial recruitment formalities, I was guided to a conference room where the induction session was to begin in some time. I was so delighted to see that all of the necessary documents were on the table and that the HR team members leading the sessions were well prepared to answer my queries. From paperwork to soft skills programs to fun sessions, everything was so well planned by the HR team. I was happy that I was finally a part of a company where they value their employees. It was indeed an unforgettable experience!

I believe that the induction program is one of the most important parts of an employee’s journey in any organization. It’s the first glimpse of the company culture, its values, and its people. If the induction process doesn’t go well, chances are high that the new employee will have a difficult time understanding the company and its culture, and even worse, it could impact his or her productivity.

Here are 5 tips for an effective induction program that could make a worthwhile experience for your new employees.

Prepare a Checklist

The HR team should prepare a checklist in advance of all that a new employee would need on his or her first day at work – for example, workstation, laptop, stationery, and ID-cards. This will ensure that the employee faces no difficulty on the first day and feels at ease. A few other things that can be a part of the induction checklist are:

  • Details about work hours and shift timings
  • Transport facility
  • HR Policy and information about leaves, attendance, and dress code

Download the Definitive Guide to Induction Programs

Discuss the Company’s Vision and Goals

It’s important for a new employee to know about the vision, mission, and goals of a company that he or she is now a part of. By clearly communicating the vision and goals, the HR team can ensure that the new employee feels a connection with the organization and works towards those collective goals as soon as he or she joins the company.

Quick Introduction with the Manager and the Team

Arrange for a quick introduction with the manager and the team members so that the new employee feels welcome in the new environment. The HR team can also assign a buddy to the new joinee for a day or two so that the new person becomes acquainted with the place and people.

Conduct a Fun Session

Inductions are not only about paperwork and training. The HR team can also arrange for a fun or game session for the new employees. Games such as bingo, photo booth, and mystery box can help bring the fun element and encourage the employees to get a little silly and creative at the same time. Most importantly, it helps building the team bond.

Ask for Feedback

After the induction program is over, don’t forget to ask for the feedback from the new employees. By implementing their valid suggestions and inputs, the HR team can ensure to make the induction process more engaging and fun for future employees.

A good employee induction program will make new hires more acquainted with the company, its culture, its values, and its people. It will also help them understand what’s expected of them, and how they fit into the overall structure. Last but not least, it also makes them feel comfortable and welcome. How engaging and educational is your induction program?