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How Leaders can Foster Resilience - FocusU

Written by Admin | February 4, 2019

Today, we are living through the most transformational changes that the world has ever witnessed. The work environment is complex and dynamic, which implies that today’s success can transform into tomorrow’s liability overnight. The key to not only surviving such change, but to prospering during this evolution is human resilience.

What is human resilience? Resilience refers to the ability of people to adjust to adversity, maintain their equilibrium, have control over their environment, and move forward positively. It is true that some individuals cope with stressful situations better than others – all because of being more resilient. These are the ones who thrive while others crumble under pressure. However, the good news is that this trait is not fixed and can be taught in the workplace. Organizations need to develop a culture of resilience at work, helping their employees sustain and survive in a state of continuous change.

Our observations during the events and activities we conduct have made us realize that just as individuals can learn to be resilient, so too can organizations develop a culture of resilience. Below is a couple of tips that will help leaders foster a healthy dose of resilience in their organizations.

Communicate Effectively

Although this might seem like a ‘duh’ factor, many leaders fail to communicate their thoughts effectively to their teams. It is imperative to have a clear and transparent discussion that includes details that will help employees understand why the change has happened and the way forward. Leaders should create an environment wherein employees feel they are a part of the shared vision and goal. Most importantly, let each employee know their value and how they can contribute to that shared vision.

Develop a Culture of Trust and Cooperation

Leaders that try to promote competition within the team without recognition, undermine the contributions of the team, and punish them for mistakes or failure are actually promoting a culture that’s totally opposite of a resilient culture. As a leader, one should make sure to promote a culture where everyone’s voice is heard and their thoughts are respected. This will not only help in in the flow of new ideas and thoughts, but will also help promote a culture of trust and cooperation.

Practice Mindfulness

According to several studies, mindfulness has multiple benefits and can bring resilience in individuals. Most importantly, it increases positive emotions and reduces stress and negative thoughts. One of the best ways to encourage mindfulness at the workplace is through leading by example. Leaders can start doing a few minutes of mindful meditation on a daily basis and then sharing their experience with the team. In this way, they become an inspiration to the others and set an example of resilience.


While adversity and tragedy are unexpected and, in many cases, inevitable, great leaders create the emotional and behavioral ecosystem that helps their team not only survive the difficult situation but also bounce back as a winner. In the words of Joshua J. Marine, “Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.”

Do you have a culture of resilience at your organization? What all you do to ensure all your employees are well prepared and skilled enough to face the unexpected? Write to us and share your experience at