Why Resilience Matters?

Frequently we get upset about our failures and allow them to affect our progress. Are we unfair to ourselves? Certainly, we are. What’s the most common thing we do? We dwell in our thoughts and[...]

5 Tips for Facilitating Large Group Meetings

First things first. How do we define a “large group”? Any group that has more than around 30 people can be safely categorized under this nomenclature.

Constructing a TEAM IDENTITY

We recently worked with a senior team which had a new leader. The fact that the leaders working style was very different from the previous leader and the added fact that nearly half of the members[...]

20 Ideas To Break Out Of Your Comfort Zone

To do what is comfortable, is human nature. The average human would always choose the path of least resistance over the road less travelled. And yet, a kite can only rise up against the direction of[...]

There is an I in Team

They say a team is as good as it’s weakest link. When I got into the details to understand this more, it made me realize that there is an I in team. It has been two fantastic years for me working as[...]

Can You Influence When You Have No Authority?

This is a frequent question we come across in our workshops. Participants in different job roles who would tell us candidly – they don’t have positional authority, they don’t have people reporting to[...]

Why Should Start-Ups Invest In Team Building Activities?

And suddenly, we hear more & more news of startups – but for all the wrong reasons!

Why Invest In Team Building Activities?

Last week, I had a rather interesting conversation with a friend, whose company had taken him for an annual offsite at Goa. The purported objective of the offsite was team motivation and alignment to[...]

How To Facilitate In Vernacular?

Of late, we have had an increasing trend of clients requesting for Team building sessions to be conducted in Hindi or that interesting mix of English & Hindi, popularly referred to as Hinglish.

A few[...]

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