How Acceptance Can Be An effective Management Tool?

Have you ever felt like someone you knew would prefer you to act differently than you currently do? It’s human nature that, with or without meaning to, we all try to change those around us. Everyone[...]

7 Laws Of Spiritual Success

Source: Deepak Chopra’s book “The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success” is a fantastic read full of great wisdom. These 7 Spiritual Laws can be applied in any and every phase of our lives.[...]

Corporate lessons at the Breakfast table

My job is such an interesting one because it affords me the opportunity to continuously travel and creates opportunities for me to observe individals all across the country. I recently had a[...]

How To Learn Facilitation?

Sometime back I was reading an article about guiding principles that are rapidly affecting the future industries. These 3 principles reminded me of the famous lines from The Pursuit of Perfect author[...]

5 Productive Things to do at the Airport

My work makes me travel to some beautiful places across India. I get to meet people, see new places, and sometimes I get to enjoy the local delicacies of the city too. My recent stretch of travel has[...]

How Not To Give Up On Your Goals?

“Cha Sa-soon” from South Korea set a world record when she got her driving license, do you know why, here’s her story!

Why Success Builds Teams?

Some say crisis brings people together like nothing else can, I tend to disagree. I believe success bonds people better than any crisis (real or simulated) that the team goes through. It is often[...]


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