5 Steps for using Experiential Learning with Power of Play

Increasingly used by organisations and training professionals across the world, experiential learning is here to stay. It allows for impactful training while being engaging for the learner. With a[...]

White Water Rafting: An Amazing Team Building Experience

The Focus team just had a jaw-dropping, mind-boggling and awe-inspiring (ok ok, i’ll cut short the superlatives here!) offsite camp at Rishikesh.

Why PLAY Works !

A close friend called me up after reading my post on “The Power of Play”. He had a valid question: “Great article on PLAY” he said. “It does give a different perspective”. “However, what it does not[...]

10 Steps to get your team building program going

What exactly can a team building workshop achieve? In the most ideal of situations – can a group of people who don’t really feel like a team, go back from the program feeling bonded like buddies?



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