21 Micro Habits To Improve Wellness

Wellness is a much sought-after goal in a world struck by the Pandemic. Yet, it sometimes seems too daunting for us to achieve. It does not have to be that way. You can work your way to health and[...]

4 Characteristics Of A Transformational Leader

*All images are created using Canva Pro

In the post-pandemic era, innovation and entrepreneurial spirit will reign supreme. Not only individual leaders but rather, organisations across the board[...]

How To Improve Team Engagement In Your Organisation?

Employee engagement is one of the most important aspects of HR departments and management teams in many successful organizations. And, why shouldn’t it be? When employees are engaged and satisfied,[...]

Why Cross-Functional Collaboration Is Essential for Your Company

Image Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/K8XYGbw4Ahg

Many cutting-edge software businesses, such as Google, Facebook, Netflix, and Amazon, use cross-team collaboration to grow rapidly. If you[...]

How To Spice Up Your Learning & Development Initiatives?

A few years ago, in my previous job as a process trainer (for those who are new to the concept, process training is about imparting knowledge and nuances of a process or product) I was struggling[...]

How to Master the Art of Saying No?

If you are anything like us, you are constantly fielding requests at work. From formal requests to informal asks, there is always something ‘urgent’ that requires your immediate attention.[...]

How to Effectively Use Microlearning As a Learning Tool for Your Organisation?

How’s the corporate training scenario at your organization? Do you think you have hit a wall with learning and training programs already? One major reason could be that even though your [...]

100 Insightful Quotes on Accountability

If you were to ask any high performance team –

How To Use Storification To Design Impactful Learning Content?

“Hi there! We’re going on an adventure, so get your backpacks ready and grab your car keys…”

And just like that, I have caught your attention. Now, before you decide to dismiss this as another[...]

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