2 Women. 2 Stories. 1 Everest

She was in her teens. She was poor. She had a tribal background and she became the youngest woman to climb Everest. I am talking about the girl who broke the glass ceiling and achieved the impossible[...]

Why Resilience Matters?

Frequently we get upset about our failures and allow them to affect our progress. Are we unfair to ourselves? Certainly, we are. What’s the most common thing we do? We dwell in our thoughts and[...]

25 Inspirational Team Songs

The beauty of music is that, when it hits, you feel no pain

There is no denying the power of music. Be it a celebration or a low point in our lives, music can help amplify the experience, every[...]

Top 25 Inspirational Videos For Teams

Inspiration can be found anywhere.

The Magic Of UBUNTU

African word meaning :- WE  ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER .

6 Tips to Motivate Your Team

If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up people together to collect wood and don’t assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea.” – Antoine de[...]

Why Workplace Training Is Important?

According to a study, 40% of employees with poor training tend to leave their jobs within the first year of joining. Meanwhile, another research finds that the companies that give importance to[...]

4 Strategies To Help Build Motivation

Do you have the right tools to manage your “human resources?” If not then this article is for you! For starters, don’t think of yourself as someone managing human ‘resources,’ think of yourself as[...]

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