7 Steps to a High Performing Team

A bunch of ordinary people, delivering an extraordinary performance is termed as a high performing team. Creating a high performing team though, seems like a mammoth task – perhaps because such teams[...]

21 Micro Habits To Improve Wellness

Wellness is a much sought-after goal in a world struck by the Pandemic. Yet, it sometimes seems too daunting for us to achieve. It does not have to be that way. You can work your way to health and[...]

Stories of great teams: Part 4: Pixar

Most of us know Pixar Animation as the world leader in producing animation movies, but lesser known are the stories of exemplary leadership and team work that brought about the success of the[...]

How Shared Values Can Empower A Team?

Thank you for the feedback on the previous post on values, quite a few of you had come back with questions on the impact of values on organizational performance. One of the other popular questions[...]

Top 25 Inspirational Videos For Teams

Inspiration can be found anywhere.

10 best books to gift your team during a team offsite

During the workshops that we facilitate, a common question that we get from business and HR leaders is to give recommendations on business books that they can gift to their team members either during[...]

9 Ways To Build Trust In Virtual Teams

Trust is often referred to as the holy grail for teamwork – everyone seems to agree on its importance. And yet only few seem to know how to go about enabling it. Intuitively, it makes a lot of sense.[...]

How To Effectively Manage A Cross-Generational Team

Cross generational team work can allow for an eclectic, but inspired flow of ideas and varying perspectives. However, leaders often struggle with managing such a culturally and often,[...]

How to Enhance Team Bonding Among High-performing Remote Teams

Humans are social beings. Right from the beginning of time, we have been drifting towards each other forming social groups and families. Moreover, we crave to interact and communicate with others[...]

What Drives People?

How can we make every employee contribute to an organization’s success? How can we ensure that our most talented employees continue to thrive? How can we keep our employees motivated? These are some[...]

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