10 Perspective Shifts For Inner Peace

Whatever we think impacts our actions, indirectly. When you think of a chocolate pie when you are hungry, chances are high that your body will start moving in the direction of a bakery. When you[...]

Lessons From The Cook-Off Challenge

One of the biggest challenges facing leaders who head Senior Management Teams (SMT) is on how to make them more cohesive – and into a high performing one. This challenge is all the more accentuated[...]

Why Resilience Matters?

Frequently we get upset about our failures and allow them to affect our progress. Are we unfair to ourselves? Certainly, we are. What’s the most common thing we do? We dwell in our thoughts and[...]

5 Tips for HR Managers to Improve Employee Engagement at Work

A study by Gallup says that 87 percent of employees worldwide are disengaged, which is not at all a good sign. We all know that employee engagement is critical for the success of any organization. “[...]

5 Tips for Facilitating Large Group Meetings

First things first. How do we define a “large group”? Any group that has more than around 30 people can be safely categorized under this nomenclature.

Why “Keep Calm And Carry On” Works?

Every individual aspires to live a happy and healthy life. The desire to be happy means we often put forth great effort, but later we find ourselves trapped in a world of our own creation. These[...]

5 Turn-Offs for Participants

Recently I received an opportunity to attend a training workshop as a participant. The program started with a brief on the day’s plan, with two speakers facilitating the entire show. I was all set to[...]

Team Building Lessons From A Movie: Invictus

One of the very inspiring movies about building a good team in trying circumstances.

The name of the movie is inspired by a poem written by William Ernest Henley. Nelson Mandela has stated that this[...]

25 Inspirational Team Songs

The beauty of music is that, when it hits, you feel no pain

There is no denying the power of music. Be it a celebration or a low point in our lives, music can help amplify the experience, every[...]

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