Lessons From A Client Advisor

“Get Closer than ever to your customers. So close that you tell them what they need before they realize it themselves.”  –     Steve Jobs

Book Learning: The Checklist Manifesto by Atul Gwande


For every FocusU family member, checklists are an irreplaceable part of life. So, when I came across a book titled “The Checklist Manifesto,” I knew I had to read it. The book was a[...]

The Great Indian Festival : Beyond Online Sales

As I gazed at my husband who was almost comically balancing himself on a tree trying to fix the decorative string lights, it made me pause to think about all the festivities and how these traditions[...]

3 Ways To Deliver Leadership Training More Efficiently

It is likely that you would have used one or more online platforms to deliver training or interact with people – both within and outside of your organisation, in the recent past. The current world[...]

5 Tips To Facilitate An Online Session With Ease

The Covid-19 breakout has taken everyone and every industry by the storm. The most visible and probably the most important impact of this terrible global pandemic is the way most companies are[...]

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