Why Ownership Matters? – Part 1

Jim Rohn, a leading expert in the domain of personal mastery, said, “You can’t hire someone else to do your push-ups for you,” yet you see gym-goers putting complete responsibility of their well[...]

Why Ownership Matters? Pt 2

In part 1, I covered how organizations bleed when they fail to foster a culture of ownership. In this article I will discuss 3 powerful ways to foster ownership and improve the quality of results[...]

3 Ways to Encourage Ownership Mindset in Your Team

“Taking complete ownership of your outcomes by holding no one but yourself responsible for them is the most powerful thing you can do to drive success.” – Gary W. Keller

One of the most[...]

4 Steps To Accountability

We recently conducted a workshop for one of our existing clients. The brief given to us was that whenever team members encountered a problem or an obstacle, instead of looking at ways to overcome[...]


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