Nishit at Cha Bar, Delhi

Last time I was at Cha Bar, Delhi I noticed a sticker stall inside. The guy was selling fridge stickers and he taught me some amazing lessons about marketing. Here are the lessons:

Show Enthusiasm

Show Enthusiasm

There were a couple of stalls inside Cha Bar, but I went straight towards the sticker seller, as he looked enthusiastic. He welcomed me saying, “Hi, how are you doingggggggg (with energy)?” I loved it.

Ask Questions

Ask Questions

Instead of selling his product (stickers) he asked me about my hobbies. I liked the attention! He listened carefully without interrupting and made me feel important.

Suggest not Sell
Suggest not Sell

After listening to my hobbies he suggested stickers to me that were relevant to my interests. He showed me a few stickers on yoga, reading, and writing. He customized the offering according to my needs. That made the deal a special one.

Focus on Benefits

Focus on Benefits

Then he asked me about my job, and suggested that my laptop was an excellent way to communicate a message by putting a sticker on it! I had never thought it that way. Finally, I liked the idea and purchased a sticker that is on my laptop now reading: Follow your Dreams. And it is an excellent way to start a conversation with participants in a workshop for me now.

When I see other people around me there is so much to learn! Truly, learning can come from anything or anyone; one just needs to have appetite for it. As Henry Ford rightly puts it, “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.”

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