
The success of a 21st century organization depends on how deeply it can “engage” its employees. Engaged employees resonate with the values of the company and share a deep connection with the internal community of the organization. They are passionate about their work and are always ready to go the extra mile.

Innovation is vital to staying ahead of the competition in today’s fast paced and ever-changing economy. Engaged employees drive innovation. They can improve the customer experience in new ways, increase profitability, redesign products, create new services, and expand the brand value.

But a recent analysis by Gallup on employee engagement found that around 80% to 90% of employees are not engaged in their work.


Many organizations are becoming aware of this disengagement dilemma and are striving to resolve it. Flexible working hours, work from home policies, paid vacations, free gym memberships, higher salaries, and promotions are some of the ways that companies are trying to combat this problem. But even after applying these methods, keeping employees engaged in the long run is still a serious challenge.

Here are 3 powerful ideas to create long-term engagement in employees:

  1. The Power of Purpose:
    Invest time outside of your employee’s daily routine into a self-reflection activity. Exploring and understanding the ‘why’ in the work is a powerful way of gaining inner motivation. When a person is clear on why he or she is doing the work that they do, they take complete ownership of expected outcomes and are more creative. Simon Sinek, author of the business best-seller book Start With Why, shares that companies that succeed in the long term focus on their ‘why’ while many companies that fail do not.
  2. Caring Culture:
    “Being a great place to work is the difference between a good company and a great company.” – Brian Kristofek, President and CEO, Upshot.
    Culture shapes how employees perceive the company. A culture of care, appreciation, openness, and feedback leads to trust and better relationships. In turn, better relationships at work contribute to making the environment a fun place to be a part of.
  3. Autonomy:
    Giving employees their own space to achieve company objectives makes them feel less like labourers and more like contributors. From making a tiny change in the physical work environment to tackling a million dollar problem, involving employees in decision making creates a deeper bond with the organization. 

Business organizations have suffered in the long run because they have equated employee engagement with higher salaries and benefits. But a clear focus on creating meaning for employees, providing a caring environment, and giving employees the freedom to take decisions can propel a company to new levels of success and achievement. Has your company found other ways to cultivate highly engaged employees? Share your insights below!

Image source: Disengaged Employees May Be Impeding India’s Growth