Women Day Celebration

Women Day Celebration

March 08 is celebrated across the world as International Women’s Day – a day to celebrate and applaud the amazing social, cultural, economic and political achievements of women globally. A day when we all celebrate the progress towards gender equality i.e. inclusion and participation of women, from the household to the public spheres.

Women are the largest untapped reservoir of talent in the world” – Hillary Rodham Clinton

Wherever you go, you will come across so many talented women who can run an organization in the most efficient manner and at the same time raise their children in a way that man can’t ever think of doing!

Are you looking for some ideas to celebrate Women’s Day at your organization? To help you get started we’ve put together a list of three ways you can celebrate International Women’s Day at work.

1. Personalized Giveaway

Create a personalized message for each women employee at your organization and put that note on their workstations. If most of your employees work from remote locations, you can also circulate a personalized email message. The idea is to make them feel they are special and important.

In addition, the HR managers can also create a photo collage of women achievers at their organization. They can showcase this collage through various platforms such as intranet, desktop wallpapers, and emails. Such kind of recognition will solve two purposes. First, it will send a message to all those women achievers that how the entire organization value their efforts and achievements. Secondly, it will also inspire and motivate other female employees to achieve more and more.

2. Music-based Engagement

We all will agree that music speaks what can’t be expressed as well as soothes the mind & soul. HR managers can also organize music-based team engagement activities such as Boom Chicka Boom Challenge and The Rhythm Challenge to celebrate Women’s day. Boom Chicka Boom is an indoor challenge where participants work in a group to create an entire piece of music. Meanwhile, in the Rhythm Challenge, our Facilitators teach the participants the basics of drum circles – from how to strike the drum, to playing as a group, to full-scale jamming. This challenge intends to allow participants to overcome insecurities through the power of music.

Such team building activities can help promote team bonding, improve skill, and most importantly encourage team members to have fun.

3. Organize Self-Defence Workshop

Self-defence is extremely important to boost the confidence of women and empower them to unleash their potential, both at work and outside the organization. Self-defence can be both physical and mental, and by learning the art of self-defense, women can protect themselves from gender discrimination at work and in society.

Organizing a self-defence workshop is one of the best things HR managers can do on the Women’s Day for the safety of women and girls in their organization or community.

Bottom line, Women’s Day is a great opportunity for you kick-start a new culture at your workplace – a culture of inclusion, a culture of women empowerment, a culture of gender equality, and so on. Don’t limit Women’s Day to one day, rather keep on celebrating the achievements of women at your organization throughout the year.

We’ll be more than happy to discuss if you want some more unique ideas to make this women’s day really special at your workplace. You can contact us at hello@focusu.com.